In August 2018, ADAPTIV Structure Solutions successfully executed an innovative and engaging marketing event for the premiere of the animated movie “Small Foot.” This event, known as the “Small Foot Experience,” involved the creation of a captivating tent that transported children into the enchanting world of the film. ADAPTIV Structure Solutions designed, built, and managed the entire project, ensuring that the tent not only captured the essence of the movie but also provided a memorable and immersive experience for attendees.
Project Timeline: The “Small Foot Experience” took place from August 11 to September 14, 2018.
Project Location: The event was located in a parking lot on the corner of Vine Street and Hollywood Blvd in Los Angeles, CA.
Project Size: The tent’s dimensions were 20m x 30m x 8m (66’ x 98’ x 26’), featuring two stories. The total area covered was 6,468 square feet for the bottom level and top level combined, with an additional 2,304 square feet for the top floor.
ADAPTIV Structure Solutions demonstrated its expertise in executing a creative and immersive marketing event with the “Small Foot Experience.” Through innovative design, meticulous planning, and strategic coordination, the team successfully transformed a parking lot into a magical space that transported children into the world of the movie. This project showcases ADAPTIV’s ability to bring imaginative concepts to life, manage complex logistics, and create memorable experiences that align with the goals of its clients.